Natalia iz in a dilemma of thoughts and feelings and emotions. maybe reading too many novels really kinda screws up the brain. bleh :p like little mini cute sandcastles building up in the air (: awww.. sigh. i just love trilogies (: dreamy
somehow this girl juz cant help it but keep wanting to grow up and older, get married and have her own family. one that she can really consider her own, her pride and joy. i feel like Laura. finding the dream that was pushed aside for one not so perfect. wild love. pure fantasy.
happiness iz still yours to control at the end of the day.
so i’ve brooded over the issue for half a day.. forcing myself back into reality with splitting headaches for TWO frigging days.. explored the little and few choices i have left. guess it’s more of confusion for choices and less of being spoilt for choice. bleh. seriously of all things to fail, it’s GP. IELTS doesn’t help much either cuz the local unis dun accept it. or at least it’s juz not recognized as a proper english paper? yeah. went to the australian fair as well.. kinda juz met the criteria for my desired course in most of the universities. not sure if it’s a good thing to be able to get in or a bad thing that it’s barely scrapping past the cut off score. lots to think about, lots of choices to be made…
if God puts you to it, He will being you through it. trust and pray.
little in my hands becomes alot in the Master’s Hands.
sorry for the emo post. cant help it.. work isnt exciting and nah i’m tired at my desk. ):
i feel like sleeping yet i need to train,
i feel like drowning myself but i know i cant.
*throbs @16:09 <3
There .
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